am murit azi de facut numai sana si covrig pe monitor:))).
The Romanian language is considered to have a huge set of inflammatory terms and phrases. Profanities rarely differ from region to region in Romania, but there are differences when taking into account languages related to Romanian, such as the Aromanian and Megleno-Romanian languages. Romanian expletives often refer to both male and female genitalia. Among the most common is "pula mea," an expression that can be literally translated into English as "my cock," but is commonly used simmilary to the English "fuck" or "fucking." In addition to its use as a basic expletive, the phrase can also be used in an adverbial sense. Similarly "pizdă," literally translated as "cunt," can be used as an expletive, often referring to the insulting phrase, "pizda mă-tii," or, "your mother's cunt." This phrase is often used as a reference to the longer, "Du-te-n pizda mă-tii," meaning, "go back in your mother's cunt."[1]
Romanian insults often involve the sexual behavior of men or women. poponar, curist and găozar all are roughly the equivalent of "faggot". Although their literal meaning was initially associated with male homosexuals, they are generally used as depreciating words towards any male, no matter their sexual orientation. "Poponar" literally is close to "bum user", "curist" means "butt user" ("cur" means "butt" in Romanian slang), "găozar" means "ass hole user" ("găoaza"or "gaura curului" mean both "ass hole"). A word formed in a similar manner is pizdar, which is a vulgar equivalent to "womanizer" or "skirt-chaser": someone who is obsessed with women. Bulangiu, which has quite a complex and contradictory formation ("bulan" is the slang for "luck" and also for "leg"), it generally has the meaning of "ass" ("nu fi bulangiu" = "don't be an ass") and is used against a man who is not cooperative, backstabber, ungrateful. It also may be used as an equivalent of "faggot", in gypsy slang. The female version of "bulangiu" may be "bulangioaica" or "bulangie". Lăbar and labagiu or onanist mean "jerk-off" or "jerk". The expression "a-ti trage o laba" means "to jerk off". Although they are literally connected to masturbation, in the spoken language they have the same meaning as "jerk", "ass hole", "ass" when referred to a male individual. A puţoi is the possessor of a puţă (see below). It is a rough equivalent to "punk" or "little prick", that is, an immature boy that tries to act "tough". It literally translates "small dick".
Women usually insulted by comparison with prostitutes. There is a rich vocabulary of insults involving prostitution in Romanian. Prostitutes are referred to as: curvă, târfă, traseistă, zdreanţă, boarfa (borfet), pitipoanca, tomberon (literally garbage can, into which a man unloads), prostituată, ştoarfă, muistă and many others. Muistă refers to a prostitute who specializes in fellatio, or to a woman with an annoying attitude. There is a male equivalent, muist that means "cocksucker". Peşte, which literally means fish, colloquially refers to a pimp. Curvã and târfă are often used to mean "bitch" in Romanian.
Comparison with animals is another common way of insulting people in Romanian. "Scroafă," a word meaning "sow", is often used in the same sense as the English "bitch." Men can be insulted with the term "bou" meaning "ox." Other animals that can be used for insulting people include: goose (gâscă, usually used for women), donkey (măgar), and pig (porc). Nenorocit, originally an old popular phrase, that literally translates as "unlucky", is now used in a powerfully pejorative sense, similarly to "motherfucker" in English. It is used mostly in the vocative form "nenorocitule/nenorocito (masc/fem)".
si cateva injuraturi si intelesul lor=))))
-a da cu sana: to ejaculate(k tot ziceam de mancam sana cu covrigi si din cauza rasului,eh,am facut putina mizerie:))
-a băga mielu' la căldură: to have sexual intercourse (literally "to take the lamb somewhere warm")
-arde-o pe cumatra - a.k.a. "burn the motherinlaw" = have sex with a MILF
-da-i in pizda - a.k.a. "give it to her pussy" where "it" means dick = fuck her brains out
-sa-ti iau neamu-n pula - a.k.a. "I'll take your family in my dick" = Fuck al of your relatives
-Esti cu pula - "you're with the dick" meaning "you're crazy"
-Esti cu muia - "you're with the blowjob" meaning "you're an ass"
-a face degeţica: to masturbate (only used of female masturbation)
-a da cu bidineaua: to masturbate (literally "to brush")
-a se juca cu răţuşca: to masturbate (literally "to play with the ugly duckling")
-a da la labă: to masturbate(literally "hitting the paw")
-a umple palma cu mulau : to masturbate (literally ' filling the palm with dick)
-a (se) fute: to fuck; to have sexual intercourse (from the Latin "futuere"). The word can be used in a number of ways for example if one asks if a young female "se fute" this means he actually inquires if she has had sex before or if she is open to the idea.
-Dute-n pula mea! (literally "go in/with my dick")
-a da la nutella: to have anal sex (literally "to hit the nutella"; nutella is the name of a chocolate cream product)
-a o lua la namol: to have anal sex
-ochiul maro: asshole (literally "brown eye")
-a fi figurant: to look for trouble
-ochiul cu gene incâlcite : asshole (literally "the eye with tangled eyebrows")
-a coborî moşul în beci: to have intercourse (literally meaning "to lower the old man into the basement")
-a parca shorloboanca: to have intercourse (literally meaning "to park the dick") - (shorloboanca - synonym of pula)
-a da cu mobra-n gâşte: to have intercourse (literally meaning "to run the mobra into the geese") - (mobra-type of motor bicycle - used as a synonym for pula)
-a face o memeaca: - synonym with a lua la muie which means blow job
-a da la biriboancă: - synonym with a da la buci in other words to have sexual intercourse
-a băga măgarul în beci: (literally "put the donkey in the basement) - synonym with a da la buci in other words to have sexual intercourse
-a deschide viitoru: - synonym with a dezvirgina in other words to have sexual intercourse with a virgin woman, simmilar
-a mânca salam de sibiu cu capul viu:- literally "to eat sibiu salami with the head alive"---sibiu is a town// Meaning "blow job"
-a da ca-n oala cu sarmale:- literally "to hit like in the sarmale pot"-sarmale is a traditionally food
-a lua la papacioc - synonym with a lua la muie which means blow job
-A lua porcul la trântă: (literally "wrestle with the pig") -means "you should play a little with my dick"
-A băga milogu-n traistă:-means to have sexual intercource(literally to put the poor man in the bag)
-A da ca surdu-n tobe:-to have violent sexual intercource(literally to hit the drums like a deaf person)
-a spăla Renaultul - synonym to performing oral sex on a woman, based on the similarity between the logo of Renault company and female genitalia (literally "To wash the Renault").
-a băga zacusca în beci - synonym to having sexual intercourse (literally "taking the <
-merge de-o carja - good enough for sex once
-merge de-o ciorba - good enough for sex once
-sa ma cac cu bucati de pula in gatu ma-tii - to shit with dick bits in your mother's throat
-Tara-mi-as coaiele prin coliva ma-tii din bomboana in bomboana pana ajung la lumanare - draging my balls on your mother alms from candy to candy until I reach the candle
-a da un câine - means to have sex with someone
-a da la fololoanca- meaning to have sex with someone
thanks 2 XaeLa
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